Issues you have had for years, eliminated in weeks

Update the software in your brain

My specialty is incorporating a unique, intuitive process that weaves in many healing modalities that effectively eliminate hidden subconscious emotional and physical blocks that keep you stuck. These modalities include The Emotion Code, The Body Code, and The Belief Code, the work of Dr. Bradley Nelson. Fast, efficient, and effective!

Issues you have had for years, eliminated in weeks

Update the software in your brain

My specialty is incorporating a unique, intuitive process that weaves in many healing modalities that effectively eliminate hidden subconscious emotional and physical blocks that keep you stuck

As Featured In

discover healing

yahoo finance

ap news

Have you ever found yourself struggling with life?

This work can help you to let go of the struggle!

Hello, I’m Brenda,

As a facilitator, healer, and coach, my purpose is to assist my clients in breaking through the hidden subconscious blocks that keep them stuck. The customized process and systems we work with allow you to achieve the highest quality of life possible with focus, purpose, and fulfillment. We work on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

I love witnessing the shifts for my clients – how their health, relationships, career, and job situations transform. And most importantly, the calmness, patience, and sense of being present that ensues through releasing old patterns around trauma, anxiety, and other life experiences that are holding them back. As you release negative energy, it’s possible for life to be better than you could have ever envisioned!

Some of the issues clients bring to me

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Weight Control



Limiting Beliefs (Love, Money)

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Physical Pain

Anxiety Attacks

Sports Performance

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Fear of Flying




Fear of Pubic Speaking

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Physical Abuse

Skin rashes

Chronic Fatigue

Some of the issues clients bring to me
  • Fear
  • Phobias
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Smoking
  • Weight Control
  • Limiting Beliefs (Love, Money)
  • Relationships
  • Blocks
  • Physical Pain
  • Anxiety Attacks
  • Sports Performance
  • Fear of Flying
  • Stress
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fear of Public Speaking
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Skin Rashes
  • Physical Abuse
  • Chronic Fatigue

I love witnessing the shifts for my clients – how their health, relationships, career, and job situations transform.

What clients have to say

You’re amazing! All I can say is that after every session, my communication with my husband has been easy, comfortable, and effective, rather than escalating into an argument. Wow! Big change!

Yes, there are some noticeable shifts in my “challenging client” since working with you. I’ve noticed some shifts in myself as well, in feeling more open to others. So kudos to The Body Code, The Emotion Code, and you!

When I would feel anxiety with too much to do, I would turn to an alternative (legal) recreational drug – and I have no other addictions or vices. After working with Brenda, I have had no cravings, and have just STOPPED! I can’t believe how easy it was.

~ Update the software of your brain ~

Contact me for a free consultation

Phone Number:



Office Address:
230 2nd Street Suite 101
Encinitas, CA 92024

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